Sunday, December 2, 2012

Back and So Much to Talk About!

Thanks to everyone for their patience as I have needed a brief break from writing. Supervising and administration in EC has become yet another aspect of the field which we will be touching on, as I have been blessed to add such experience to my resume. It has been an inspiring experience and I look forward to sharing this with you.

What are some topics you'd like to discuss? I am very I interested in hearing everyone's thoughts about Common Core and its impact on EC, how assessment and RTI are being used in your classrooms, and how Head Start's use of CLASS is helping teachers reflect on their practice.

Lastly, I've recently become a first time auntie and that along side with my work with families has prompted me to make more of a commitment to sharing a few posts about child development and play in general.

Well, I can't think of a better New Years resolution-looking forward to an EC Smart 2013!

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