Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Making It Work" In This Economy

I recently wrote an article for a publication called, Positively Naperville and it described how recent studies have shown how financial stress effects all members of a family.

Here is my article, "Decreasing Stress by Increasing Play!"

When I wrote this, I reflected on how the economy's downturn has effected my own family. Bill was laid off twice last year, following my own position being eliminated the year before. We took it one day at a time, and learned that although it was tough we'd "make it work." (In fact, everytime something would come up that we were not sure how we'd make it through we'd say, "make it work" ala Tim Gunn). We found fun in shopping at the discount grocery, we'd take nature walks instead of going to the movies, etc. It took our minds off the stress we were dealing with and worked out--we were lucky enough to find other jobs in our field...

As of this week, I'm in the same position again. Unfortunately, our Museum's funding is not there and they were forced to make some cuts. Although funded by grants, they had to eliminate positions and reallocated funds to save itself from having to make more drastic cuts. They were gracious about it and I know it was a hard decision to make albeit without warning. Did it make it easier to understand? Yes. Did I know what I was going to do? No.

So, yet again, I'm unemployed. I keep reminding myself of Bill and I's mantra ("make it work"). So here are my plans to "make it work" and keep myself playfully optimistic...

  • Take this opportunity to write more. I've missed writing about what I want to write and not what others want me to. I miss writing and giving my own personal opinions without any agenda.
  • Investigate schools and study for the GRE. I'm going to get my Ph.D (although I'm not sure when) and this is a great opportunity for me to research programs and study for the dreaded GRE.
  • Get some wedding details out of the way. While I might not be able to nail down much since we are on a smaller budget, I can still take time to plan songs to include on our list, fix our registry details, and do things I was procrastinating before.
  • Be thankful. I'm thankful for a supportive family, wonderful friends and past co-workers, and for my health. While I'm not going to lie, it's could be a lot worse.
How do you "make it work" through the tough times? Anyone have anything ideas for fun on the cheap or free side of life?

FYI: My resume can be seen here


T.J. Hicks said...


I'm so sorry to hear about what happened with DCM. You were a huge asset to that Museum and it is too bad they couldn't have found a way to keep you on staff - you completely deserved it. It is great you are keeping a positive outlook on things. And don't worry much about the GRE - its not bad at all!

Anyway, stay in touch and I hope you find something new soon. A good cheap entertainment: Netflix - 9 bucks a month and now they have 100s of videos you can watch online anytime you want for no additional cost. It's like a video store in your computer for the price of one movie ticket a month.


EC Smart said...

Thanks for your thoughts, T.J.! Netflix sounds like a good investment....I'm trying to keep busy and occupied--or else I'll go nuts. Keep in touch!